Sunday, May 22, 2011

today is sunday

today is sunday. And of course, it's time to have weekly dating him. :) actually, i still feel tired after yesterday's party, but i wanna meet him much more, so i decided to go to Gading.

May be because of tiring yesterday, my mood not that good, i easy to get angry and feel so sensitive. I'm not in the mood to kiss or being like loveydovey as ussual. I cried without any worth reason. Sorry dear for being annoying..

You asked me, ''was there anything that had changed from me since we started dating till now?''. And when i answer it, i realize that you suddenly get on bad mood . You look so sad, and it made me feel that u need me to hug your back. And when i looked at ur face, u wipe something from your eyes. Tears? Maybe.. But i guess yes. Sorry boy, for being such an annoying girlfriend today.

In the end, it's always me who ruin all the mood, rightt? Sorry..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

happy 10 months anniversary

happy 10 months to both of us..

Hey my baby boy, miss you. Huff.. I was watching that film when i saw the girl sleeping next to her boyfie, and that boy kiss the girl's forehead. Ewww.. I envy them a little. I want you to be here, everyday, every morning, every night. Be the one that open my day and close it. Be the one that kiss me when i start my day..

2 months before a year, and couple years beforre forever.. Can't stand to wait.


i love you, ''koko''. ;)

''i'm dying and i can't live without you again..'' Five 4 Fighting

Thursday, May 5, 2011


maaf ya buat semua hal buruk yang sudah lakukan,
maaf buat pulsa yang kamu buang demi telpon aku tiap malem trus ak malah matiin telponnya,
maaf ak selalu ogah-ogahan cenderung ke bete kalo kamu telponn,
maaf ak bikin kamu susah dapet parkir tiap kamu abiz nganterin aku pulang,
maaf aku suka ngajakin madol kerja bukannya nge push kamu,
maaf ak agak ngabisin duit kamu kalo kita ketemu,
maaf kalo aku sering becanda kasar pake mukul-mukul kamu,
maaf kalo ak ga mw ngbersihin kamar kamu,
maaf kalo aku bukan cewe terbaik yang bisa kamu miliki,
maaf sayang..

Aku minta maaf untuk semuanya,

percaya ya sayang,
biarpun aku ga sebaik cewe lain, ga secantik dan semanis cewe lain,
tapi sayang aku ke kamu ga akan lebih besar dari sayang cewe manapun ke kamu (kecuali si tante)

sayang, aku cinta kamu,
kemarin,hari ini, besok, dan seterusnya.

Aku sering bilang kan, selamanya itu ga ada,
sekarang aku tarik kata-kataku,
buat aku, selamanya itu kamu.

Jangan marah ya sayang.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

after watching romantic drama that i bought today, i started to feel so blue. Especially when i saw the actor kiss the actress. Hoaaaaa... I miss my boyfie a lot and wondering if he can kiss me softly as gentle as it by NOW!

I miss him..

And to be honest, i never understand, why did he never treat me gently?
Sering banget.. G cuma pengen baringan, dipeluk sama dia, tanpa ada tangan2 nakal, tanpa ad lidah yg ngjalar kemana-mana. Pengeeenn banget. Apalagi belakangan ini, waktu tiap hari rasanya padat plus super capek, g berharap bisa ngistirahatin hati dan badan g di hari minggu. Cuma pengen dipeluk, disayang, dan ngerasa dijagain.

Sesusah itukah memperlakukan g kayak gitu? Cm dengan pelukan dan sesekali ciuman lembut.

Susah ya ko?